Thursday, October 19, 2006
Ho hum
I'm really not that thrilled about anything lately. Maybe that plays a part with the musical hair. I just can't be satisfied with anything completely. There are those things in my life that I don't want to be without, family, friends, and I don't want them to change. But the things I do have control over in my life feel like they're just not right. I can't really explain why though. It's like I've lost weight, gained confidence, and now I'm expecting so much more out of the rest of my life. I feel like I have be more involved with every part of my life more. And there's just not enough hours in the day. So, when things aren't getting accomplished, the head games start. "You should know you don't deserve what you have." "You know that you need it/them/that more than it/they need you." It's really irritating me. I don't like to fight these demons all the time. What I do KNOW is that I'm bigger and stonger and better than what the voices are telling me. (Writing that made me chuckle a little... the voices... hee hee.) I guess I have to do some more personal reflection to see what might be causing all of this. In the meantime, I'll just keep telling the voices, "Gosh darnit, people like me!"
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I need me one of these!

I so need to get me one of these! Can you see the damage I would do? Look out office mates, here I come!
I wonder if they sell refill rockets by the 100s.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Another day another haircut

My main lunch plans crumbled, so I came up with a back up plan while I was driving. Now I have yet another new hairdo. Love it. It's fun. It's spunky. It's funky. It's totally me. At least for now it is. And I'm covered in little hairs. Can't wait to take a shower and get them all off me.
Had a quiet weekend. But the family needed it. We're all much more rested now. A weekend without running. I never thought it would happen.
So go ahead and give me the feedback on the hair. Looking forward to it!
Friday, October 13, 2006
Another new me

I've finally snapped another picture of myself. This is what I decided to do when I was trying to make up some extra time at work yesterday. Notice the iPod ear buds and cube surroundings. This is my home away from home. Beige, ugh. Hopefully you all like the updated picture. Can't be any worse than the hot chick.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I'm a hot chick(en)!

I love getting update emails from Bobo. She makes me laugh. Especially with her sale of 1 McDonald's uniform. I'd tell her to offer it to BigButt, but it wouldn't fit her. She probably has more than one already. I guess that means we'll have to go through the Rogers McD's drive thru next weekend on our way to the bar. Hilarity WILL ensue.
Not a shabby deal being called a hot chick... too bad I don't have the tan lines to go with the picture. Maybe after PV. Not that I should ever wear a two piece again. Gotta cover those stretch marks.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Happy Birthday Louis!
This can entertain for hours!
Monday, October 09, 2006
Here's for super pokey updating!
Don't chew my head off! I've been a busy busy chickie for the last few weeks. So here's the update that I have.
Bob, my father-in-law, is home now. There is nothing that the doctors can do for hime right now, and probably ever. He's living life to the fullest for his last days. We don't know if it will be weeks or months, but we appreciate every day we have with him. If you want, you can read updates for him at Caring Bridge.
The Crazy Monkey has had her 8th Birthday. Yippee! She's so excited to be an 8 year old now. We are very glad that we've made it that far with her. She had a great day at daycare and school on her actual birthday. She loves being the center of attention when it's super-uber positive attention. She also had a great time at her birthday party on Saturday. She had a pretty good turnout of her friends from soccer and softball. Now we have more pretty pink girly frilly toys than any house should ever have. But she wouldn't want it any other way. I'll post some pictures of the party once we get them off the camera.
Bobo and I have finally planned our mutual birthday party. It will be a blast. A night at a comedy club that is preceded with dinner, all for $25 per person. Should be a great time. I know that Bobo just loves being called Bobo... hee hee.
As for weight loss, things are still going great. I'm down 83 pounds now. Just checked on the scale this morning since I've been too busy to even remember that I should check that too. I'm down to size 16 clothes... even some 14s. That's amazing considering I was at 24s and 26s less than 6 months ago! I'm feeling great. Not that I can ever say that enough. I'm at a point now where if I stopped losing now, I don't think I'd care. Well, I'd care if I knew I could do better, but I'm reaping all of the rewards of being a healthier weight. Life is good. All of the clothes that I first bought after surgery to wear to work are now getting too big. Makes me smile every time I put on something that was tight in June and is huge and baggy now.
For my newest "WOW" moment. (WOW moments are when I realize just how successful this surgery has been for me in sudden moments.) I was at soccer practice watching the Crazy Monkey on Saturday afternoon. Suddenly Big Coach Steve asks all of us parents watching (all 5 of us) to play against the girls. Hmm... okay... one dad, the rest moms... and me wearing sandals. Should be interesting. So I kick off the sandals, and I'm in. I'm wearing a new sweater, that's a little tight, but covers all the goods, and pair of cords that I got off ebay and are starting to get too big to wear anymore. Well, running around the field to kick the crap out of some 7 and 8 year old girls, my pants almost fell off about 6 times. It's hard to run and hold up your pants when you're barefoot around a bunch of cleated girls. Hilarious for the dad and coach playing behind me, slightly freaky for me. Next time, I'm wearing tennis shoes and pants that fit well enough to run in. No more free undie shows for anyone!
So, there you go. The latest from my life.
Bob, my father-in-law, is home now. There is nothing that the doctors can do for hime right now, and probably ever. He's living life to the fullest for his last days. We don't know if it will be weeks or months, but we appreciate every day we have with him. If you want, you can read updates for him at Caring Bridge.
The Crazy Monkey has had her 8th Birthday. Yippee! She's so excited to be an 8 year old now. We are very glad that we've made it that far with her. She had a great day at daycare and school on her actual birthday. She loves being the center of attention when it's super-uber positive attention. She also had a great time at her birthday party on Saturday. She had a pretty good turnout of her friends from soccer and softball. Now we have more pretty pink girly frilly toys than any house should ever have. But she wouldn't want it any other way. I'll post some pictures of the party once we get them off the camera.
Bobo and I have finally planned our mutual birthday party. It will be a blast. A night at a comedy club that is preceded with dinner, all for $25 per person. Should be a great time. I know that Bobo just loves being called Bobo... hee hee.
As for weight loss, things are still going great. I'm down 83 pounds now. Just checked on the scale this morning since I've been too busy to even remember that I should check that too. I'm down to size 16 clothes... even some 14s. That's amazing considering I was at 24s and 26s less than 6 months ago! I'm feeling great. Not that I can ever say that enough. I'm at a point now where if I stopped losing now, I don't think I'd care. Well, I'd care if I knew I could do better, but I'm reaping all of the rewards of being a healthier weight. Life is good. All of the clothes that I first bought after surgery to wear to work are now getting too big. Makes me smile every time I put on something that was tight in June and is huge and baggy now.
For my newest "WOW" moment. (WOW moments are when I realize just how successful this surgery has been for me in sudden moments.) I was at soccer practice watching the Crazy Monkey on Saturday afternoon. Suddenly Big Coach Steve asks all of us parents watching (all 5 of us) to play against the girls. Hmm... okay... one dad, the rest moms... and me wearing sandals. Should be interesting. So I kick off the sandals, and I'm in. I'm wearing a new sweater, that's a little tight, but covers all the goods, and pair of cords that I got off ebay and are starting to get too big to wear anymore. Well, running around the field to kick the crap out of some 7 and 8 year old girls, my pants almost fell off about 6 times. It's hard to run and hold up your pants when you're barefoot around a bunch of cleated girls. Hilarious for the dad and coach playing behind me, slightly freaky for me. Next time, I'm wearing tennis shoes and pants that fit well enough to run in. No more free undie shows for anyone!
So, there you go. The latest from my life.