Sunday, October 07, 2007
Our newest arrival!

Here is Ginger Collette's birth story. She arrived on Friday, August 31st at 5:09 p.m.
I went in for Cervidil late on the night of the 30th. It was placed at midnight. I was already 2 cm and 50% effaced. They took it out at 8am on the 31st. I was still 2 cm but 70% effaced. I took a shower, had some toast for breakfast and got ready for show time.
At 10 am they started the Pitocin to get my contractions consistent and more effective. I managed until 1:15 before I asked for an epidural. Since there were two emergency c-sections going on at that time, I'd have to wait. And I wasn't the first in line to get an epidural either. Since there were 9 other moms in labor at the same time, everyone on the floor was a little frazzled.
I finally got my epidural at 2:50. It was so nice to finally be able to relax and not have to work so hard to get through the contractions. I was at a 4-5 at the time. I finally took a nap and Dad to be took off to find some food in the hospital.
The nurse woke me up at 4:40 and asked to check me since she was seeing some decels in the baby's heart rate. She wanted to place an internal monitor. I woke up and agreed. She barely touched me and said, "Oh! You're complete and she's right there. Let's get this heart monitor on and get ready!" She got the room all set up as we waited for Don. This is his first after all, we wouldn't want him to miss it. He finally came back at 5:00 exactly, and I was ready to push. I did one practice push to show the nurse that I remembered how to, and she told me to stop.
The nurse and Don got me up in the stirrups. The nurse got on the phone to call the doctor and tell her I was ready to deliver. She said, "She's ready to deliver her now." and Don said, "Uhhh.... there she is....." The blood drained from his face. It was hilarious. I just kept repeating, "I swear I'm not pushing!" Her head was already out! The nurse yelled, "Oh my! She's coming, room 343!" and dropped the phone. She ran over to support her head and her shoulders popped out. The doctor came running in, took one look and said, "Oh!" and grabbed a pair of gloves and caught the rest of her. I didn't push at all. She just slid right out. She had the cord wrapped very tightly around her chest that was causing the decels during the last contractions. I did one half hearted push for the placenta. No tears, no cutting, no stitches. I was up and walking around normal as soon as the epidural wore off. A great birth experience.
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OMG! that is a beautiful birth story, i'm a doulai love reading birth stories, and yours is great, congratulations!!!
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