Thursday, September 21, 2006


The In-Laws Call

I am writing this from Duluth. I'm up here because my father in law is in pretty bad shape. So we're taking a break from the hospital at Barnes and Noble. Thank god for wifi. Thank god I remembered to bring the laptop.

Monday night Bob, my father in law, drove himself to the hospital because he thought he was coming down with pneumonia. Well, it turns out that he probably had a minor heart attack about 2 weeks ago and now has congestive heart failure. He lives in Hibbing, so he was at the Hibbing hospital, until today. After giving him quite a few rounds of Lasik without any results, they decided he needed another hospital. So now he's in Duluth. And we're here. He seems to be in better spirits, but he's still out of breath all the time even though he never leaves the bed. Forget the fact that his kidneys are shutting down and he hasn't urinated in over 12 hours. One of the first things they did when he got to St. Mary's in Duluth was give him a PICC line. Hopefully they'll get the drugs into him better and we'll start seeing some results. He's a good man. He's only 62.

Hey Leia...just thinking about you, your husband and your father in law. I hope that everything is okay.

Sara Gj
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