Monday, August 21, 2006
Ren Fest has begun!

I love the Renaissance Festival. But, man, it wears me out. I actually feel a million times better this year than I did last year. It helps to be 70 pounds lighter. Amazing how much better I feel. I loved seeing all of the people I've seen at other WLS things throughout the last few months. I ran into Tiffany, her brother AJ, Jen and Dorothe and her husband. They all look so great too. I wonder if they thought it was as great to be out there post-WLS than however many pounds before. I love being around such wonderful people.
Here's some of the other highlights of the weekend:
I love Sasha... I'm determined to find a way to keep her some day. Such a princess.
Getting a new bodice for the new costume this year. Great deal from Erica. We all love Felix Needleworthy pieces.
Bastard, you are hilarious, and I love you for it. Thanks for making me laugh all day and all night.
The Pyrates are cool. So so so cool. One word Cappy... Cinnamon!
Cinci looks so odd when he's not smiling. But he does look good in red.
Blair, thanks for bringng out the life in Ducky again. Nothing better than a Privy Drive By.
It was all great. I'm so glad that everyone I ran into kept the magic of that wonderful place alive. It is the Fest we make it, and we make it great!