Friday, July 21, 2006


Meet me at the Kwik-E-Mart?

Yesterday afternoon, I was on my way to pick up a Monkey from day prison. I was at a stop sign to turn left onto County Road 42. Since it's almost 5:00, it's just a little busy. I'm waiting patiently as cars and trucks fly by at 60 mph or so. Then a white mini van pulls up next to me to turn right onto 42. There's a man driving. I quickly turn my head to the left again to see the cars coming. Then I try to look right, and there's this guy who is opening his door. I have my windows down, iPod playing. I turn down the tunes as soon as I realize he's talking to me. He asks me how my day is. I'm thinking, odd, but whatever. "It's going good. Thanks for asking." Then he keeps talking. "I opened my door because my window doesn't go down." I reply, "That's nice." Then I realize that I'll never be able to get through this intersection if he doesn't move. I can't see around that van to see oncoming traffic. I'm not about to just gun it onto 42. That's a death sentence. Then I hear him mumble something. I can't understand what he's saying. He's got a very noticeable accent. It sounds like he's inviting me to the Kwik-E-Mart. Maybe for a Squishy. I ask him to repeat himself. He does... about 6 times before I understand that he's telling me "I like your smile." I reply, "Thanks", and inch forward. There's nobody coming so I floor it and I'm out of there.

Odd. Just odd.

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