Wednesday, July 05, 2006


Another holiday flies by

We made it through the 4th of July. Didn't launch a single firework. I know... we're lame. Blah blah blah. We actually spent most of the holiday driving. We left for the in-laws on Monday night. Right after work. It's a nice little 4 hour drive. Yippee skippy. Got there a little before 10 at night. All good. Stayed up late visiting. Got some good comments from the mother in law about the haircut and the weight loss. She called me a skinny minnie. Hardly. Still wearing the 18s.

Got up early when the kidlet popped out of bed at 8 something in the morning. That was just harsh. Especially considering that my husband didn't crawl up to bed until 4am. Spent the day there. The in-laws didn't wake until 11 or so. We left right after dinner at bit after 7. Got home right around 11.

Now I'm tired. And so is everyone else in my house. I think even the cats are tired. 5am is early to hear an alarm clock go off.

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