Friday, May 19, 2006
And another week bites the dust

Yay me! I've made it through an entire week at work! Woo Hoo! Now, I'm just so damn tired that I can hardly see straight, but it was SO worth it. It was a lot easier to get in the water and protein when I was back into a familiar routine. There's something about working that keeps my brain focused on other things, like sipping. Not that I don't like to work, it's just that my mind wanders to others things I should be doing instead. Now my own "To Do" list has grown emensely in the last 5 days. It should keep me held over for the weekend.
I feel great overall though. I have so much more energy than I thought I would have at this point. I'm really starting to feel the impact of the lost weight. My clothes are all hanging. It's so odd to see. When I don't have clothes on, I don't see it, but once those clothes are hanging there, it's all very evident to me. I've had people at work notice too. That makes me feel really good. Especially the people who don't know that I've had this surgery done. They are the ones that really matter to me. They are the ones who are noticing when they aren't looking for it.
Either way, I'm very happy with myself and this huge life change. It has made me happier, more confident, and much more secure. It was worth every second of pain and doubt. I'd gladly do it again. In a heartbeat.