Thursday, April 27, 2006


It's amazing who just doesn't get it


So I talked to one of my best friends yesterday, and she shocked me. Not that I should be so caught off guard with her ignorance, but the more I talk to her, the more I notice she could care less abut me. I'm just a name with a years of friendship mark that she can parade in front of others. Or at least it's starting to feel that way.

So I haven't talked to her since the week after I got married in March. Which is unusual for us since we used to talk many times a day, every day. But life gets in the way of a lot of things lately. She mentioned ordering pizza for dinner last night, and I told her that I'm on a liquid diet and couldn't eat anything. Then she asked me why everyone was on a diet all the time. Well, um.... I kind of have to be on a diet to get ready for this MAJOR SURGERY that I'm having. She didn't ask me to remind her when the surgery is, but she knows that I'm having gastric bypass done. I thought she was okay with it and pretty supportive the first time that I told her I going to have this done. But that was months ago. Then I mention that I'm having surgery next week. She says, "So, you'll be out of work for a few days?" Well, no. Not exactly. This is major abdominal surgery, I'll be out of work for about 3 weeks. I'll be in the hospital for 2 or 3 days. She asked me to call her when I was home and feeling up to talking.

So I call another really good friend and give her the play by play of this last phone converstaion. She is shocked too! So obviously friend #1 isn't planning on visiting me in the hospital. She hasn't offered to help me in any other way either. But this other friend, friend #2, is willing to bend over backwards to make sure that I get better, and that everything turns out okay. I thought that friend #1 would understand more of what I'm going through and why I'm putting myself through this drastic life change. She's known me for over 15 years. You'd think that she'd see just how difficult my life has become and how my struggle with my weight has really taken a huge toll on my life. But I guess she doesn't see it. I am thankful that I do have friends like friend #2. And that I have a great family who is very supportive and helping me every time I ask.

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